Seneca the Younger
In-kind donation
In addition to financial assistance, the Oncological Hospice Foundation also accepts donations in kind that can improve our operations and help with patient care.
Currently, we need most:
If you would like to support us with another donation, we kindly invite you to contact the Foundation Office.
In-kind donation can be deducted from income on the annual tax return, on the same basis as the financial donation. In order to do so, a written or notarized agreement which will include the amount of the donation in kind, donor and foundation donations and signatures of both parties, should be signed. The donor must also have a donation declaration – they can also be included in the contract.
Donations can be deducted from income. For individuals, the deductible amount is up to 6% and for legal persons up to 10% of the annual income ( the legal basis for income tax law is Article 26, paragraph 1, point 9 and article 18, paragraph 1, point 1).
Your help is a better tomorrow for our patients!
St. Christopher’s
Oncology Hospice Foundation
Pileckiego 105 Street,
02-781 Warszawa
Tel / Fax: +48 (22) 643 57 08